Università di Firenze |
Expertise. The research group participating in ASCENS is the Concurrency and Mobility Group (CMG), its members have been working since a long time on the design and analysis of concurrent, distributed and mobile systems. An important outcome of this work is KLAIM, a language for programming mobile interactive systems providing linguistic support for describing mobile systems, while guaranteeing security, and a semantic framework that permits verification of program properties. Other important contributions that are relevant for ASCENS are the calculi for service description and verification (SCC, COWS and CASPIS) that have been developed within the EU-FET SENSORIA project. The CMG group is also well known for the seminal work on behavioural equivalences, modal logic, process calculi, and on theories concerning asynchrony and security aspects of mobile systems. Recently CMG researchers have contributed to studying models for the quantitative analysis of systems behaviours, developing stochastic and probabilistic models and logics and relative tools for properties checking. It will rely also on the Third-Party-expertise from ISTI CNR taking advantage of a long standing collaboration between ISTI and UDF especially on aspects related to the specification and evaluation of quantitative properties of systems. Role in ASCENS. The Concurrency and Mobility Group will lead WP1 and will collaborate with most of the other WPs by providing their mathematically well-founded approaches to the development of proof techniques and tools for modelling, programming and proving properties of adaptive component- and service-oriented systems. Key members
Last Updated on Sunday, 03 November 2013 19:26 |